

By Abs Story

April 17, 2024

Madam Angelina Ogoamaka Onyali-Nee Ezeibe (Odukonamba) was born to the family of Late Mark and Mgbafor Ezeibe in Awgbu Orumba North Local Government in the year 1932. She was the eldest daughter of the family. Madam Onyali imbibed the values of hard work, integrity, and selflessness from her parents, lessons that would shape her character and define her maternal journey. Growing up, she had the opportunity then to attend the domestic training school at a convent in Adazi. There, they were mostly taught domestic work and the essentials of marital life.


In 1949, young Angelina was married to her husband, Late Gabriel Onyali who unfortunately was later killed during the pogrom in Jos in September 30, 1966. Since then, the burden of taking care of seven children rested on her shoulders. The path of motherhood was fraught with challenges, yet she faced each obstacle with unwavering resolve. In an era marked by economic uncertainties and societal upheavals, she stood as the unwavering anchor of her family, sacrificing her own comforts to ensure the well-being and happiness of her children. She was a loving mother and instilled discipline into her children. She believed that education is the key to life and armed with this philosophy, she endeavored from her merger resources to ensure her children had the best of education. Today, the children and grandchildren are in almost every field of endeavor including Academia, Government ministries, Legal Profession, Medicine, Accountancy, Engineering, Journalism, Estate and Environmental management, Event management, among others.


she inspired a generation of women to break barriers and strive for their dreams. Her unwavering dedication earned her widespread respect and admiration within her community and beyond. She became a source of inspiration for others who strived to emulate her caring and resilient nature.


Beyond family life, she was active in politics and was the then woman leader of National Party of Nigeria (NPN) in her community. She volunteered at local charities, organized fundraisers, and served on various committees aimed at improving the lives of others. She helped to stabilize many shaky marriages to the extent that her home was known for a place of marriage counseling. Her story continues to inspire generations, reminding us that even one person’s dedication can bring about positive change in the world.


Her kindness, compassion, and unwavering spirit will continue to resonate in the hearts of all who had the privilege of knowing her. In her final days, she was surrounded by her loving family and friends. Despite her passing at the age of 92 years, her memory will forever be cherished by those who knew and loved her, for she has left an indelible mark on the hearts of her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, a legacy that will continue to shine brightly for generations to come.


Adieu Odukonamba. Rest on till we meet again on the resurrection morning.