Governor Willie Obiano, has assured Ndi Anambra of his administration’s determination to keep Anambra as one of the safest States in the country.

Governor Obiano gave the assurance when he made a stop over at the State CID, Awkuzu, on his way to a function.

Government House Correspondent, Ejike Abana reports that according to the Governor, patrol has been intensified within the State which is mainly aimed at crime detection and fighting, stressing that well trained combined Special Forces have been deployed to Anambra to help secure the State.

The Governor, who reiterated his oath of securing life and property, asked Ndi Anambra to remain confident in his administration’s ability to keep the work, business and living environment conducive.

He commended members of the team for their onerous efforts at making Anambra conducive for residents and investors, noting  that security operatives are gradually rounding up criminals who are making life unbearable for people living and doing business in the State.

Afterwards, the Governor inspected new armoured personnel carriers which were recently deployed to the State.